Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Matty release day - July

The 15th is tomorrow, and since it's not a Sunday, it's another Matty Release day.  It's the height of summer though, so I guess people are away on holiday thinking about how to make fans suffer by their stupidity or something.  Or probably it's the lead up to SDCC.  Either way, there isn't much going on for this release day.

Count Marzo is the only MotUC on offer this month, and since Mattel does not have the rights to the Filmation version of the character, the version on sale is the MYP millennium version.  That's the hyper anime looking version with the wind blown hair and cape.  That's also the cartoony version.  I'm just glad he's not anorexic (I hope!).  He's the subscription figure, so I'm not going to bother picking him up.

The other thing on sale is DCUC Wave 13.  The CnC is Trigon, which doesn't interst me.  I'm interested in the Wonder Girl though, but then again, I'd much rather have her in her Troia costume.  Overall, this wave is just too blah and bland for me, so I'm gonna pass on the entire wave.

If anyone is going up against the WSOD, apparently there's an update to that.  I hope all the readers here get the stuff that they want.  And as for me?  I'd be taking a break for the first time this year on a Matty release day!  Hooray!


  1. Me too. I've already found that entire wave of DCUC over the past couple of weeks and have past on all of them. I may eventually grab a Negative Man, but we'll see.

    Marzo kind sucks in my opinion. He just doesn't fit the Classics style regardless of how hard they tried.

  2. Oh goodie. Will you be guest posting some of them here since I'm not gettin anything from this wave?


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