I purchased these earlier in the year and they were in Mint condition. The entire card is intact - not even the peg hole has been punched out. Wow. And I got them for cheap because this is a line that close to nobody remembers. But back in the day, the big toystore where I was growning up had a Kenner section with the big 4 - MASK, Centurions, Silverhawks and Sky Commanders. The first 3 have got solid followings. This line, despite having a cartoon and a toyline, well, was wiped from most people's collective memory. But not mine.

The main gimmick of the line was lines and tracks that one could "hang" from furniture and glide the vehicles to and fro. There were 6 figure packs and I've got three of them there, including the the leaders and the Starscream of the line.

General Summit was the leader of the good guys and he lead a team of international mountain climbing experts with specialist backpacks.

Raider Rath is the right-hand man of the bad guy's leader.

The main gimmick of the line was lines and tracks that one could "hang" from furniture and glide the vehicles to and fro. There were 6 figure packs and I've got three of them there, including the the leaders and the Starscream of the line.
General Summit was the leader of the good guys and he lead a team of international mountain climbing experts with specialist backpacks.
Raider Rath is the right-hand man of the bad guy's leader.
Rex King is one of the good guys, and has the backpack that I always wished I had as a kid.
General Summit comes with his backpack which is named Rollerball. The card has this nice piece of art on the front. Those blue mountains in the back? They actually appeared in the cartoon as 3D holographic maps of the area.
He comes with his backpack and the rope-thread thing. The figure itself stands just a tad over a couple of inches tall and has only 5 points of articulation. Hoowever, there's some sculpted details and the paintwork is decent. He does lack painted facial features though.
Attached to his back is a string that's connected to his safety hook which also has a clip to attach to his arm. The whole figure clips onto the backpack, which has no articulation and no paint, but thanks to the sculpt, it does allow him to zip across the thread provided.
Rex also has some interesting card art, both on the front and the back.
The figure is similar to Summit's. However, I like him not because of the figure, but because of the backpack, which has the ability to go horizontally and allows him to drop a line vertically. It also has a cushioned pad on a hook to allow one to "hang" the backpack on furniture.
Rath also has great card art, and unlike the other two, there's only two pieces in the package as the backpack is permanently attached to the road thread thing.
The figure is more or less the same. The vehicle though, has a huge reel on the back from which the thread/road could be spooled and laid out. Also notice that the bad guys have orange threads, the good guys have neon green ones.
I don't have the complete line, but I do have a number of vehicles from each faction of the line. One of these days I'll have to transform my living room to their battlezone!
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