Thursday 30 September 2010

#273 - #276 of 365 Gotham City Criminals - Bane, Clock King, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow

3We are coming to the end of the month, and to close out Super Screened September, as part of this Justice League week, I thought I'd do this four-pack - the Gotham City Criminals.  This will also nicely tie-in to Monster October, since I do have the Scarecrow in this four-pack.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

TRU show and tell?

TokyoNever strikes again today!

What sort of beast lurks in the shadows?

Shadow Beasts?

TokyoNever posted these on the boards:

#272 of 365 MotUC Chief Carnivus

It's Thundercat day!  Wait, that's not true.  Well, Mattel was asked whether they'd get the Thundercats license.  They didn't, but they decided to make this figure instead.  I have no idea whether it was sour grapes or in jest.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

#271 of 365 MotUC Gygor

OK, so I'm supposed to be on a JLU continuation week, but since I got my Carnivus yesterday, I decided to open him and Gygor today.  So that's what's interrupting the JLU week of Super Screened September, but that's usual, as the MotUC stuff usually intrudes into the themed weeks anyways.

Monday 27 September 2010

#270 of 365 Superman Man of Steel Steel

I'm not a Superman fan.  So I have no idea about Steel other than the fact that he's an African American who has a suit of steel, and I think his last name is also Steel.  He came to prominence in the Reign of Superman storyline after the Death of Superman storyline and was one of the 4 Supermen then.  He's since grown on to be his own chracter, and represents the AA community on DC comics alongside such greats as Mr. Terrific, John Stewart and Static.  He was even a member of the Justice League at one point.

Sunday 26 September 2010

#269 of 365 JLU Morph-Gear Green Lantern (John Stewart)

Another day, another Green Lantern and another Morph-Gear JLU set.  Oh, have I mentioned that we are still on Super Screened September here on Toy a Day, where I open toys that have links to both a cartoon and a movie?  Well I just mentioned it.

Saturday 25 September 2010

#268 of 365 JLU Morph-Gear Superman

As I mentioned yesterday, the only JLU that I have left to complete my Magnificient Seven is Supes.  Well, here he is today, a JLU in a slightly different packaging.

Friday 24 September 2010

#267 of 365 JLU Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman

Another day, another JLU three-pack.  These 3-packs were scheduled for Justice League June, where somehow the DCUCs just crowded them out of.  Anyways, today we take a look at episodes 459's 3-pack which features Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Batman.

Thursday 23 September 2010

#266 of 365 JLU Green Lantern, Flash & Tornado

It's the last 100 toys of the year, and it has been a wild ride so far... and today we start the final run of Super Screened September, with none other than the leftover Justlice League Unlimited week from JLU June.  Wow.  First up, is a three-pack of John Stewart, Flash and Tornado.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

#265 of 365 Dick Tracy The Rodent

It's the last and final of my Dick Tracy figures.  Welcome to Dick Tracy fortnight here on Toy a Day.  It's part of Super Screened September, where I open toys with links to animation/cartoons and movies.  There are two more figures in the line, but I don't have them, so I can't really open them.  Aren't I glad that this short fortnight is almost over.  And now, on with the show!

#3 by 3B DC Comics Super Heroes, Wonder Woman

Hello, Toy-A-Day'ers! It's 3B and this week is "Foxy Ladies" week over at Killer B Hive. I wanted to share some of the foxiness with Novelty by reviewing today's foxy lass, Wonder Woman, here at Toy A Day. So we'll be looking at her action figure from a classic toy line I have fond memories of: Toy Biz's DC Comics Super Heroes!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

#264 of 365 Dick Tracy Al "Big Boy" Caprice

Number 11 in this Dick Tracy fortnight is a "Big Boy".  Well, I wonder what that refers to, but since the line has been highly suggestive of peckers anyways, I won't be surprise if it referred to his Johnson.  Welcome to the rather weird and disturbing Dick Tracy line here as part of Super Screened September!

Monday 20 September 2010

#263 of 365 Dick Tracy Influence

Wow, it's figure number 10 of the line and this is not the end, despite the line not having the words "Universe" in it!  Today's Dick Tracy figure is Influence, and he's the tenth figure of the Dick Tracy fortnight here as part of Super Screened September.

Sunday 19 September 2010

#262 of 365 Dick Tracy Pruneface

Today is Thrawn's day, and if he posts a comment with the word "gimme" in this post, I'll give him an extra ticket for the contest.  Well, it's been Dick Tracy Fortnight for so long that I've lost track of how many days are we into it... I think Pruneface is the ninth figure of the line.  Welcome to Super Screened Sepetember here on Toy A Day.

Saturday 18 September 2010

#261 of 365 Dick Tracy Lips Manlis

Welcome to another edition of Dick Tracy fortnight here on Toy a Day, which is part of Super Screened September, and I'm still going with the Dick Tracy characters.  Today's character is Lips Manlis.  Urm... that's such a weird name - Lips? for Dick?  Sounds like a plot for fellatio.  Really, could the line be any more suggestive?  I wonder if there's a Deep Throat character...

Friday 17 September 2010

#260 of 365 Dick Tracy Shoulders

This is the start of the second half of Dick Tracy fortnight, which is part of Super Screened September here on Toy a Day.  Today's figure is Shoulders!

Thursday 16 September 2010

#259 of 365 Dick Tracey Mumbles

This is the sixth of the Dick Tracy figures I'm opening, which means I'm halfway through them.  Welcome to Toy A Day and if you're just joining me today, well, I'm opening a toy for each day of 2010, usually with themed months and sometimes in themed weeks.  This month it's Super Screened September where I open toys with links to both animation and movies.  And this fortnight, I'm opening Dick Tracy toys and today is the turn of Mumbles.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

#258 of 365 Dick Tracy The Tramp

It's another day here on Toy A Day, and today as part of Dick Tracy week of Super Screened September, I'm opening a figure that's titled simply The Tramp.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

September 2010 Matty Release day.

Tomorrow, is another release day, and it's a rather quiet day after the busy-ness that was SDCC and August.  Only 2 MotUC figures are on sale, with a third figure from the Ghostbuster line.  Egon is the said character, and I think it's the first unslimed version of him so he might be popular.  And he comes with a pile of books, so bibliophiles might want that as well.  There shouldn't be too much other competition for the MotUC stuff, which are to be honest, not some of the most in demand characters, so, it might be a good day for those going in.

Chief Carnivous is the subscription figure for the month, and it's one that I don't have to worry about thansk to the subscription.  My Millenniumcat, which is my name for this figure, he's actually a Qadian from the millennium series, has already shipped, according to Mattel, so I should be getting it in 3 weeks time.  Yeah, I know.  That sucks, but what can I do?  Especially now that I've figured out how to get them shipped to me faster!

Nobody knew the existance of Gygor until Mattel announced it earlier in the year.  He's supposed to be a Big Jim gorilla that's to double as a steed, but he never got made.  Well, Mattel is now making him as part of the Classics.  Nobody knew about him until this year, so I have no idea how popular he'd be.  But I'm getting him just in case I regret not getting it later.  So it's just the one figure for me this month... or is it?

Mattel has announced that there's a special something on the 29th, but have not yet given the details.  Current speculation is that this is a clearance for unsold stock.  We shall see what happens.

#257 of 365 Dick Tracy Itchy

It's still Dick Tracy week here on Toy A Day as I continue Super Screened Sepetember, and this month the tentpole holding up the big top is Dick Tracy.

#2 by 3B Batman: The Dark Knight Collection, Batmobile

It's 3B from Killer B Hive, back with another guest review on Toy A Day. When Novelty announced his plans for Super Screened September, I jumped at the chance to include something from my collection of superhero movie toys. I gave Nov a short list of things I could review and he picked this prime, vintage specimen: Batman's ride from the 1989 Tim Burton classic!

Monday 13 September 2010

#256 of 365 Dick Tracy Flattop

We continue with Dick Tracy week here on Super Screened September, and today I'm opening Flattop.

Sunday 12 September 2010

#255 of 365 Dick Tracy Sam Catchem

Well, I might as well get this guy out of the way, since he's the only other good guy that I have in the line.  Sam Catchem - corny name, but hey, who am I to talk about corny, when this is Super Screened September, and I'm doing the Dick Tracey fortnight?!

Monster October preview

Every month, I have such big plans, but alas, something always gum up the works.  And the something usually takes the form of Masters of the Universe Classics.  Well, here's a picture of the toys I have scheduled for October, but there are more than 30 pieces, which means not everything will get opened in October.  And I'm sure I'll get more MotUC to open in October (Chief Carnivous and Gygor are the chief suspects), so in reality only about 28 items in the picture below will get opened.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Toy A Day reviews of former Is It Fun? figures

Is It Fun? has been suspended.  I had ten reviews there, and I managed to recover six of them via Google's cache, but four more is now well, lost, at least to the public at large.  So I've decided to rewrite those reviews.  Here's a list of them:

#126 NECA Evil-Lyn (millennium colours)
#132 Shield Strike He-Man
#172 Superman Returns Kryptonite Smash
#230 Transformers Animated Lockdown

#254 of 365 Dick Tracy Dick Tracy

If Animated August had Transformers Animated as the tentpole of the entire month, this month, it's Dick Tracy propping up the show with 12 - count them - twelve figures to be opened that's part of the theme.  Now, I know nothing about Dick Tracy having neither watched the movie or any related media.  I picked up all these figures for like $5, for the whole lot a while back.  It was cheap.

Friday 10 September 2010

Is It Fun? Not when it's suspended!

Apparently Is It Fun? has been suspended.  Which means that all ten or so of my Blog Mash Bash reviews there have disappeared into the ether.  I've tried to use Google's cache to recover some of them, and have been successful with 6 of them, but Transformers Animated Lockdown, Millennium Shield Strike He-Man, Superman Returns Kryptonite Smash and  Evil Lyn (Millennium Colours) have all gone down the drain.

Dick Tracy is propping up the big top!

And we return to your regularly scheduled toy openings for Super Screened September... tomorrow.  Tomorrow, we'll see the start of the main line for this month, Dick Tracy.  It's gonna be fun!

Filmation background pencils

OK, this isn't anything related to toys, well, not really, but it was just so interesting that I thought I'd share.  Robert Lamb, who used to work in Filmation in the 80s and did a few He-Man related chores including writing episodes such as Into the Abyss have posted some rather interesting scans on his website.

#253 of 365 MotUC Mo-Larr and Skeletor

And I conclude my mini-MotUC run today with Mo-Larr and Skeletor, the last of my August purchases from mattycollector.  OK, so Mo-Larr has neither connection to a cartoon or a movie, but he did appear as a custom character in the TV series Robot Chicken.  Not many MotUC fans considered him a "must have", but since Mattel has decided to officially make this figure and place him in the line, he's more cannon than most figures.

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