It's the last day of the month, and this is the last action figure for Figures February. I'm still doing Spiderman 3 from the Trilogy week and it's Sandman today, one of my favourite character from that movie.

Monday, 28 February 2011
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Bits and Bobs 20110227
There's quite a lot of news happening after NYTF, and there are people still sifting over the news, so I thought I'd put together a list of what has grabbed my attention, and not all of these are NYFT related.
Bits and Bobs,
Mr. Potato Head,
#424 of Year 2 Spiderman 3 Rhino
This is the last trifecta? triad? triplet? in the Trilogy week of Figures February. Spiderman 3! I knew I had these figures, but they were right in the bottom of the big box. Until now that is. They are getting opened.

Saturday, 26 February 2011
#421 of Year 2 Lord of the Rings Boromir
Yesterday we had a representative of the Ents. Today, it's a man from Gondor by the name of Boromir. OK, I'm not a huge LotR fanatic as well, so I barely know these guys, but hey, they are famous, so I should just talk about the toys...

Lord of the Rings
Friday, 25 February 2011
#420 of Year 2 Lord of the Rings Treebeard
Well, I guess I should title this Trilogy Week since I'll be opening LotR and Spiderman3 figures for the rest of the month. It's still Figures February and this is the last week of action figures. Next month is Mecha March and there probably won't be any figures, so these last four toys will hopefully tide action figure fans of Toy a Day until Mecha March is over.

Lord of the Rings,
Thursday, 24 February 2011
#419 of Year 2 Star Wars Emperor Palpatine
I did say good things comes in twos. And two twos equal four. Which is what we are at today for Star Wars. Yeah, despite not actually liking the line, I can't believe I picked up four figures just like that. I really have to stay far far away from the Star Wars aisle. Why can't they stay in a galaxy far far away?

Emperor Palpatine,
Star Wars
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
#418 of Year 2 Star Wars R2D2
Two's company, three's a crowd? Well, it's more like three's on the way to an army or a collection where toys are concerned, and I have to be honest, I do have a soft spot for R2 to the point that I can't resist picking him up when I see him on the pegs (which is why I stopped looking at Star Wars toys a long time ago).

Tuesday, 22 February 2011
#417 of Year 2 Star Wars Yoda
I'm continuing the Star Wars theme... good things come in twos, at least that's my theory, and after the better than average Wookie warrior today, I'm going for the big... erm... guy, Yoda.

Monday, 21 February 2011
#416 of Year 2 Star Wars Wookie Warrior
It's a new week, and I'd like to start a Star Wars week as part of Figures February. Sadly, I don't actually have that many Star Wars figures. I was looking for my Attack of the Clones figures from last year, but I seemed to have misplaced them. Oh well. They'll turn up sooner or later...

Hans Solo,
Star Wars,
Wookie Warrior
Sunday, 20 February 2011
#415 of Year 2 COPS Air Speeder
This is the last of my unopened COPS stuff... well, the tape on it has frayed to the point where it's opened anyways, so I guess I might as well get everything out and put it together. Welcome to Figures February here on Toy a Day. Do remember that there's a new poll on the forums for the next toyline that I'm opening in April.

Air Speeder,
Saturday, 19 February 2011
#414 of Year 2 COPS Hyena
I've only got 2 COPS figures, and they are both CROOKS. Yesterday I opened Koo Koo and today, I'll be opening his pal, Hyena. It's Figures February here on Toy a Day, and if you're just joining, I'm writing about a new toy that I've opened in the past few days (usually on the day itself), one for each day of the year.

Friday, 18 February 2011
NYTF 2011 MotUC reactions
It's no secret that MotUC is my #1 Action Figure line. It's also the only line that I'm actually collecting... althought that might change when the ThunderCats drop later this year. So what were my thoughts about the newly released figures? Continue reading to find out. Also, thanks goes to Poe Ghostal, for his permission to use the pictures here.
Faceless One,
#413 of Year 2 COPS Koo Koo
I thought I had a lot more of the COPS stuff unopened, but alas, I only have two CROOKS left to be opened and a vehicle. That's not good when I'm basing an entire month around them, well, sorta. COPS was the majority favourite over SeaQuest from the poll on the forums. It's Figures February here on Toy a Day and this is the first of the Crooks (to be spelt that way, because I'm tired of typing it with all caps) figures for this month.

Thursday, 17 February 2011
#412 of Year 2 Avatar: the Last Airbender Fire Blast Zuko
Mattel only did two Series of the Avatar figures, at least from what I remember from memory. That was scarely a couple of years ago, I think. Even then they were producing variants and variants of the main two characters, which in this case were Aang, and today's figure Zuko. Welcome to Figures February where I'm opening one action figure and writing about it for the entire month of February.

Prince Zuko
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
#411 of Year 2 Avatar: the Last Airbender Ice Attack Aang
So, Havoc was showing me where Eamon lives and then we went to Forbidden Planet., which was just around the corner The first thing I saw there on sale were these figures, so I picked up this Aang, and a Zuko (which I'm opening today, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to read about it). I can't believe I'm such an Avatar crazy.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011
February 2011 Matty Release Day
I nearly forgot today was a Matty Release Day. That's because for the first time this year I don't actually have to go online to purchase the two new figures that will be released today. I've got my renewal confirmation, so they are automatically heading my way. Hooray for the subscription. What are those figure?
Grayskull Display Stand,
Matty release day,
Shadow Beast,
#410 of Year 2 DICE Spike
As I've always said, good things come in twos. Together with Macc yesterday, I got spike, only because it's always funny to get a Japanese cowboy person. The cowboy persona has always been present in Japanese animations for some weird reason. I think the Japanese might have a fondness for guys in ten-gallon hats.

Monday, 14 February 2011
#409 of Year 2 DICE Macchiatto
It's a new week. I've got no theme this week, but we are still in Figures February. Today I'm opening an action figure from the DICE series. I've never even heard of this cartoon series until I saw the toy and I was unfamiliar with it. The toys were going on clearance though and I picked up two of them for a buck each about two years ago.

Sunday, 13 February 2011
#408 of Year 2 X-Men Gambit
It's the final day of the X-men week of Figures February here on Toy a Day, and today, I'm opening Gambit from Toy Biz's X-men Classics line. I have no idea why they called this Classics, perhaps it's the classics costumes that the characters are wearing? I have no idea...

Saturday, 12 February 2011
Bits and Bobs 20110212
This is a new column for me just to mention unrelated facts and to mention other news from here and there.
Bionic Bjoern,
Bits and Bobs,
#407 of Year 2 X-Men Wolverine
It's still X-men week of Figures February, and after 4 days of Wolverine and the X-Men, I'm finally opening a Wolverine, except that it's not from the same line. Instead, today's Wolverine is from Toy Biz. That's kinda ironic in a sense. I did say I don't really like Wolverine, but I picked these up years ago in a huge mixed lot which is why I have everyone's favourite bad boy Canuck.

Friday, 11 February 2011
#406 of Year 2 Wolverine & the X-Men Iceman
This is the last of my Wolverine & the X-men figures, and yes, there's no Wolverine. I didn't bother buying a Wolverine, because at the time these figures were out, right after the movie, I was Wolverine out. Besides, I'm not a huge Marvel or X-men fan, so I wasn't looking to complete the line or anything. Cherry-picking dos have its fun, and it's a lot more gentle on the wallet and on my peace of mind.

Thursday, 10 February 2011
#405 of Year 2 Wolverine & the X-Men Avalanche
It's day four of the X-men week here on Toy a Day. Now X-men week forms part of Figures February and it's the first sub-themed week of the first themed month of this year. Despite the fact that it's day 4, this is only the third X-men figure of the week. Confused? Well, read back over the last three days and things will hopefully be clearer.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011
#404 of Year 2 Wolverine & the X-Men Colossus
It's day 3 of X-Men week, part of Figures February 2011, and today I'm opening Colossus. This Russian mutant has the power to convert his body to steel (or iron?) and thus gains superstrength and limited invulnerability. I must confess that Colossus is one of my favs in the X-men series, so it's a no brainer to get him.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011
#403 of Year 2 Wolverine & the X-Men Magneto
It's X-Men week of Figures February 2011 here on Toy a Day and finally, I've got an X-Men figure to open. Magneto is the main baddie of the series, but is he really a villian? Who knows? Anyways, magnetic powers are always difficult to protray seriously and kudos to the X-Men writers in the past for writing him so well.

Monday, 7 February 2011
#402 of Year 2 Secret Wars #11 Thor / Enchantress
It's another Monday, and this is Figures February. Since I've started a themed month, I thought I'd do a sub-theme week along with it, and this week it's X-Men week. And X-Men week starts with... Thor and Enchantress???

Secret Wars,
Sunday, 6 February 2011
The Contest for Ages
The Dread Axe and the Sword of the Ages will return to the Poe Ghostal store (or Poe Ghostal Point of Acquisition, to name it in full), on the 9th of February at 1pm Eastern US Time (and not Extra Terrestrial as Poe would have us believe - hah!). To celebrate the return, I'm having my first contest of the year - yes, you read that correctly, the first contest, meaning that there will hopefully be more contest this year. Read more to find out who can entre and what are the rules!
Spy Monkey Creations,
Sword of the Ages
#401 of Year 2 Spiderman 3 Missile Attack New Goblin
It's Figures February 2011, where I'm opening action figures for the whole month. When I said there was a better New Goblin out there yesterday, I knew I had another New Goblin in hand. Will this live up to be the better New Goblin, or will it be another disappointment? Read on to find out.

Green Goblin,
Saturday, 5 February 2011
#400 of Year 2 Spiderman 3 Sky Stick New Goblin
400 new toys! I've opened 400 new toys in just over a year, and have reviewed more than that, together with accessories and what hot. And today, I continue with the Spiderman 3 theme with the New Goblin.

Green Goblin,
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